The IRASEC Discussion Paper Series is an online publication on contemporary issues in Southeast Asia. The Papers benefit from a double review process, an internal one from the editors and a blind peer review from a specialist of the field. IRASEC ensures an avenue for swift publication, quality of the final product and wide dissemination of research. Articles are accepted in both English and French languages. The format is flexible, with a length of 6 000 to 15 000 words.
Series editors (...)
Candidatures pour les réseaux de recherche internationaux (International Research Networks (IRN)).
La campagne 2020 est ouverte !
Chinese Global Engagement Abroad : Changing Social, Economic, and Political Configurations
An international conference
for PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers
5 - 6 July 2019
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, HKUST, Hong Kong
There has been significant expansion and globalization of Chinese capital, people, and ideas since the early 2000s. The Chinese government’s “going out” (zou chuqu) policy and more recent Belt and Road Initiative reflect a domestic context of capital over-accumulation, an attempt to ensure adequate supply of raw materials and (...)
The organisers of Site and Space in Southeast Asia seek applications for participation in a two-year funded research opportunity exploring the art, architecture, and landscape of Southeast Asia.
Site and Space in Southeast Asia explores the intersections of urban space, art and culture in three cities—Yangon, Penang, and Huế—through collaborative, site-based research. With major funding from the Getty Foundation and partners from within and beyond the region, Site and Space in Southeast (...)
Dans le cadre des relations développées avec le CNRS, le Fonds AXA pour la recherche, propose 25 bourses (dotation jusqu’à 130 000 € -montant maximum unitaire-, pour une période de 18 à 24 mois au plus) sans condition de nationalité qui concernent des docteurs non statutaires. Les thèmes sont larges, les sciences humaines et sociales sont inclues.
(voir leur appel post-docs).
En accord avec le Fonds, le CNRS a pour rôle de « qualifier » les candidats en fournissant un avis d’opportunité sur les (...)