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Formation à la recherche

Report on the IRASEC Winter School 2024

The Institute for Research on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC) held its third Winter Doctoral School from November 25 to December 7, 2024. Dedicated to sustainable development studies in Southeast Asia, the two-week event brought together 20 students in Bangkok and Manila. The organizing committee was made up of IRASEC, the main coordinator, and two partners : the Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology at Thammasat University (Bangkok), and the Center for Integrative Development Studies (CIDS) at the University of the Philippines Diliman (Philippines).

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Formation à la recherche

We are pleased to announce the start of this...

We are pleased to announce the start of IRASEC’s 2024 Winter School on Sustainable Development Studies in Southeast Asia. The training takes place this week in Bangkok and the following week in Manila.

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Formation à la recherche

Doctoral Winter School : Sustainable Development Studies in Southeast Asia (SUDSSEA)

Bangkok & Manila, 25 November - 7 December 2024
The Research Institute of Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC) organises annually a doctoral winter school, in collaboration with a range of European and Southeast Asian universities and research centres.
In 2024, the IRASEC Winter school will be dedicated to Sustainable Development Studies in Southeast Asia, and will be co-organised and co-hosted by the Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University and the Center for Integrative Development Studies, University of the Philippines in Diliman.

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Formation à la recherche

Ouverture de l’École doctorale d’hiver de l’Irasec

Ouverture de l’École doctorale d’hiver de l’Irasec, à la Faculté de Science Politique, Université Chlalongkorn, 27 novembre 2023
TRIMSEA, Bangkok-Kuala Lumpur, 27 nov.-9 déc. 2023

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Formation à la recherche

Doctoral Winter School : Transnational Migration in Southeast Asia (TRIMSEA)

Bangkok & Kuala Lumpur, 27 November - 9 December 2023

The Research Institute of Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC) organises an annual winter school in the social sciences and humanities, in collaboration with a range of European and Southeast Asian universities and research centers. The purpose of these workshops is to stimulate discourse and exchange regarding research on Southeast Asia within the scope of social sciences and humanities. IRASEC’s winter schools are designed to endorse comparative and regional research methodologies, facilitate the interaction of students, and promote co-tutorship and co-supervision of dissertations for early-career researchers in Southeast Asia, particularly those who exhibit an interest in continuing their studies in France. In 2023, the IRASEC winter school will be dedicated to migration in Southeast Asia.

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Formation à la recherche

Second Graduate Students Forum of the UP Department of Anthropology

IRASEC is pleased to announce the Second Graduate Students Forum of the UP Department of Anthropology, co-organized with Elisabeth Luquin.
This is an online workshop of graduate students’ papers on the theme, “indigenous elements in independent Christian religions of the contemporary Philippines.” The participants/presenters come from a broad range of disciplines such anthropology, history and Philippine Studies with invited discussants who are professors and experienced researchers in those (...)

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Formation à la recherche

Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR)

Anne Yvonne Guillou, chercheuse affiliée à l’IRASEC de 2015 à 2018, soutiendra son Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) en anthropologie le vendredi 13 janvier 2023.

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Formation à la recherche

UTAB entre dans sa seconde semaine

Après une première semaine passée à Chiang Mai, l’École doctorale d’Hiver UTAB s’est déplacée à Yogyakarta, Java, Indonésie. Elle est accueillie par la Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, un des plus prestigieux établissement d’Indonésie. Les participants se lancent demain dans la découverte de cette ville de culture, citée royale dont la forme carrée n’est pas sans rappeler celle de Chiang (...)

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Formation à la recherche

Start of Urban Theories Across Borders (UTAB)

The IRASEC Doctoral Workshops in Social Sciences and Humanities, Winter school 2022 Urban Theories Across Borders (UTAB) just begun at the Faculty of Architecture of Chiang Mai University.
You can follow the news on the Facebook page dedicated to this event.

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Formation à la recherche

Urban Theories Across Borders (UTAB), 5-17 December 2022

IRASEC Doctoral Workshops
in Social Sciences and Humanities
The winter school Urban Theories Across Borders (UTAB) targets early career researchers — master and PhD students — who aim to pursue knowledge production about cities and urbanization in Southeast Asia from a social sciences perspective. It helps the students to engage with the most recent debates in the urban studies field, provides methodological tools to write and improve research proposals, and initiate the students to urban (...)

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