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#09 - Preview of the book "Fieldwork and the Self", co-edited with V.T. King / Jeremy Jammes (lAO)

Preview of the book "Fieldwork and the Self", co-edited with V.T. King, Springer Focus on the chapter : "Ethnography of the Homo Secretus : Inside Societies with Secrets in Việt Nam" / Jeremy Jammes (lAO)
Giới thiệu sách Fieldwork and the self, đồng tác giả với V.T. King, Springer Dân tộc học của Homo Secretus : Bên trong các xã hội với những bí mật ở Việt Nam / Jeremy Jammes (lAO)
Présentation en avant-première du livre "Fieldwork and the Self", co-dirigé avec V.T. King, Springer


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Présentation du chapitre "Ethnographie de l’Homo Secretus : à l’intérieur des sociétés du secret au Việt Nam" / Jeremy Jammes (lAO)

“Doing fieldwork in social sciences” is a methodological seminar organised by Emmanuelle PEYVEL with the support of IRASEC, Van Lang University, the University of Pedagogy, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the Architecture and Research Center (ARC).
9 and 10 June 2021 - Văn Lang University

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