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ANR VinoRosa (2020 - 2024)

The cities of the new silk road in Southeast Asia

This research programme is funded by the "Agence nationale de la Recherche" (ANR) in the category "Young Researchers Young Researchers". Begun in January 2020, the investigative work will continue until June 2024.

This research program analyzes the role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by the Chinese Government in 2013, as an engine of urban development for secondary cities in Southeast Asia. It examines how the BRI powerfully drives international urban models, especially in the field of sustainable development, and helps reshuffling the systems of urban actors by establishing new tools of urban governance. Four research objects will be used to explore these questions : urban policies and planning, infrastructure projects, urban models, and real estate investments. The research methodology draws on geography, urban studies and the anthropology of development. By examining a series of programs and projects that are currently under development, this research programs opens up a promising research avenue for the coming years and aims to contribute to the knowledge of secondary cities in emerging countries.

You can follow of the ANR Vinorosa sur Twitter email.

Permanent team members :

  • Adèle ESPOSITO (scientific coordinator, researcher CNRS-IRASEC)
  • Nathalie FAU (senior professor, Université Paris Diderot, CESSMA UMR 245)
  • Gabriel FAUVEAUD (assistant professor, Université de Montréal)
  • Carine HENRIOT (assistant professor, Université de technologie de Compiègne, PRODIG)
  • Marie GIBERT (assistant professor, Université Paris Diderot, UMR LCAO)
  • Yang LIU (architect & planter ARTE-Charpentier ; contact teacher ENSA de Paris-Belleville)
  • Sarah MOSER (senior professor, Université McGill, Montréal)

Permanent Members (July 2020) :

  • Robin Laillé (Research Assistant, Université de Montréal) ;
  • Jennifer Guan (research assistant, SciencesPo Paris - NYU Shanghai).

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