Growth of community-based enterprises in a “bottom of the pyramid” environment. Lessons from a longitudinal micro-meso-scale case study in Cambodia
Author : Martin, Guillaume
Under the direction of : Jacques Liouville and Jean-Paul Méreaux
Strasbourg University
Doctoral thesis defence : 05/07/2021
Texte français
Keywords : Management sciences, Cambodia, VRIN, Versatility, Resources at hand, BOP, Bottom of the pyramid, Community enterprise, Business management, Social responsibility, Water resource management, Poverty.
Penrose (1959) and Barney’s (1991) Resource-Based View approaches are the dominant theoretical ones for understanding business growth.The resource-based approach commonly referred to as Resource-Based View (RBV) has been widely debated in the literature. RBV analyzes the competitive advantage of companies from the perspective of their resources and their capabilities rather than their products. Nason & Wiklund (2018) have recently showed that the Penrosean Resource-Based View differs from the one developed by Barney. The first is characterized in particular by the versatility nature of the resources, while the second considers resources valuable when they are rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (VRIN resources).
Based on this new reconceptualization, we question the theoretical foundations of RBV which recently acquired the status of detautologised theory by exposing it to the base of the pyramid market (BOP), i.e. as defined by Prahalad & Hart (2002), to the 4 billion people who live with less than 2 dollars purchasing power parity per day.