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The challenges of One Health. Accessing and networking with different forms of knowledge and epistemologies

We are pleased to announce the publication of an article written by Nicolas Lainé, adjunct researcher, in CABI One Health.


Read the article.


Despite its recent growth in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic, One Heath can be traced back to the colonial period when it was used to control the health of local communities and their animals while exploiting natural resources. At present, it is necessary to move away from this asymmetrical colonialist view and develop more inclusive perspectives.



Beyond Data Source: Engaging Herders’ Knowledge and Perspectives within the BufFarm Research Process

We are pleased to announce the publication of an article written by Nicolas Lainé, adjunct researcher, and Tulyawat Prasongmaneerut, Suthee Janyasuthiwong, Kim Foyoontpanich. The article appeared in CABI One Health.

This case highlights the importance of involving local communities in a One Health perspective by valuing their knowledge and engaging them as partners in research.



Temporal contextuality of agentic intersectional positionalities: Nuancing power relations in the ethnography of minority migrant women

We are pleased to announce the publication of an article written by Herbary Cheung, adjunct researcher, and Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot. The article appeared in volume 23, number 3 of Qualitive Research.



Construction of China’s sea power in the Indo-Pacific

An article written by Éric Frécon, IRASEC adjunct researcher, with Paco Milhiet, just published in issue 189 of Hérodote.

Read the article.


In a context which echoes Valéry’s 1875-1914 “Armed peace”, Beijing has also recently developed multimodal maritime capabilities that challenge the traditional balance of power in Indo-Pacific, namely : aggressive attitude in the China Sea, transnational economic projects through the Belt and road initiative, development of hybrid military capacities, etc.



Amendment of the National Education Law and other language in-education developments following the 2021 military coup in Myanmar

Nicolas Salem-Gervais, Summer Aung, Amber Spreelung, Ja Seng, Jung Benatar, and Chan published an article on the website Tea Circle, a Forum for New Perspectives on Burma/Myanmar. This article outline the evolving language-in-education landscape following the coup, within and beyond military-controlled territory in Part 1 of a 2-part post.



Moving around Myanmar. Migration in, from, and back to Burma

Review by Nicolas Salem-Gervais in Moussons n°40 of the book :

Moving around Myanmar. Migration in, from, and back to Burma
Tony Waters, Ashley South, Chayan Vaddhanaphuti & Luke Corbin
Chiang Mai, RCSD, 2021, 288 p.

Read the review.



Représentations javanaises sous verre des Lieux saints de l’islam : des modèles orientaux aux reformulations locales

Article de Jérôme Samuel dans le numéro 104 de la revue Archipel, à lire sur OpenEdition Journals.

Cet article sʼinscrit dans le cadre dʼune étude systématique de la peinture sous verre javanaise aux XIXe-XXIe siècles, en abordant ici un corpus spécifique, celui des représentations des Lieux saints de lʼislam. Il se fonde sur lʼexamen et lʼanalyse de 84 peintures représentant les mosquées de la Mecque, Médine et Jérusalem, dont il propose dʼabord une typologie formelle.



The Internationalization of Higher Education in Singapore

The article written by Valérie Erlich and Jimmy STEF, doctoral student associated with IRASEC, analyses the impact of internationalisation dynamics on the higher education system in Singapore over the last fifty years.

Lien social et Politiques
Numéro 89, 2022, p. 107–129
L’enseignement supérieur en recomposition : entre institutions et parcours éducatifs
Diffusion numérique : 29 novembre 2022



Dính rồi ! [It bites!]

An article of Emmanuelle Peyvel co-authored with two Vietnamese colleagues, Ngọc Thắng Dương and Cẩm Thi Trần, has just appeared in a special issue of the geography journal Echogéo devoted to leisure in the cities of the South.
This article examines recreational fishing in Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam’s largest metropolitan area. Whether casual or sportive, we show that this practice remains the prerogative of working and middle class males, thereby exposing their territoriality within the city, (...)



Positionnement des États sud-est asiatiques face à la guerre en Ukraine

On the 24th of February 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine further deepened global geopolitical divisions. Despite the escalation of the conflict, much of the world, particularly in Africa and Asia, maintains a position of neutrality. This is the case for the majority of Southeast Asian countries, whose regional organization, the ASEAN, was built upon the concept of neutrality. However, a more precise analysis of the positions taken by each country reveals a wide spectrum of neutralities. These neutralities, which have historical and political backgrounds but are also motivated by strategic and economic interests, are flexible to each context and are challenged by the tangible consequences of the war in the region. This note aims to decrypt and explain the forms of neutrality adopted by Southeast Asian countries regarding the war in Ukraine based on a daily monitoring of regional newspapers between the beginning of the war and September 2022.


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