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SustainAsia (2018 - 2023)


The (International Research Network, IRN) SustainAsia is a project selected by the CNRS in August 2018 with funding over five years (2019-2023). It is supported by five Joint Units of the French Research Institutes abroad (https://www.umifre.fr/) in humanities and social sciences based in Asia (CEFC Hong Kong, CSH Delhi, IFP Pondichéry, IRASEC Bangkok and IFRJ-MFJ Tokyo), as well as the UMR Paloc / IRD, and their regional academic partners : Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Chennai ; Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi ; Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok ; Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology and Tokyo University.

This interdisciplinary scientific network works on environmental and sustainable development issues in Asia, focusing on the socio-political and environmental challenges posed by economic inequalities, resource overexploitation and degradation, climate change, and past and present landscape dynamics.

Within IRASEC, this programme is part of the 5th research axis : Societies, Environment and Climate Change. The Institute is involved in the IRN-SustainAsia project with its Thai partners from Chulalongkorn University, namely Carl Middleton, Director of the Center for Social Development Studies and Niramon Serisakul, Director of the Urban Design and Development Center, and with Indonesian partners such as Gusti Ayu Made Suartika from the Department of Architecture at Udayana university Bali.



- 15-17 October 2018, at l’Institut français de Pondichéry (India) : launch seminar of the research programme (organisation by Frédéric Landy, IFP) ;

- 18 july 2019, at ICAS11 - International Convention of Asian Studies (IIAS - GIS ASIE), Leiden (Nederlands) :

IRN-SustainAsia double panel on Economic growth and its discontents : Social and Environmental resilience, up to when ? Analyzing the main factors and triggers for social resilience (organisation by Christine CABASSET, IRASEC)

With 8 researchers contributors from four UMIFRES (CEFC, IFP, IRASEC, IFRJ-MFJ), from Paloc/IRD and two researchers from partner universities (Chulalongkorn - Thailand and Udayana – Indonesia) funded by IRASEC and the French Embassies in Indonesia and Thailand.

- 10-11 October 2019, at Chulalongkorn university, Bangkok (Thailand) : international conference entitled Political Ecology in Asia. Plural Knowledge and Contested Development in a More-Than-Human World, organised by Carl Middleton (CSDS, Chulalongkorn University), Olivier Evrard (IRD) and Christine CABASSET (IRASEC).

The panel Asia’s urban political ecology, organised by Christine CABASSET et funded by IRASEC and the french ambassy in Thailand, was attended by 5 participants (IRASEC, université Chulalongkorn Bangkok, CSH – Delhi, Ville de Paris et municipalité de Jakarta).

Watch the vidéos.

- 26-27 November 2019, at CNRS, Paris (France) : Day of the CNRS laboratories and offices abroad within the framework of the 80 years of the CNRS : The scientific networks of the CNRS International Research Laboratories Presentation of the IRN-SustainAsia (Claire Tran, IRASEC).

- 26-27 October 2022, at Chulalongkorn university, Bangkok (Thailand) : Deep dive, “Governing water(s) as a common : Innovative experiences of coproduction in Southeast Asia”

- 26 October 2022, at Alliance Française de Bangkok (Thailand) : Round table, “Commoning Water(s) : Resources, Services and Ecological Justice in Asia”

- 24 November 2022, at Maison franco-japonaise (Japan) : online seminar and conference, Après la smart city, quelle révolution numérique ? Enjeux de la digitalisation et de la mise en données des sociétés urbaines

- 10-11 October 2023, at Maison franco-japonaise (Japan) : International Symposium and online conference, (Un)Sustainable Growth and Environment in Asian Territories