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Reverse glass painting in Indonesia, 19th-21th centuries (REVELATION) (2021 - 2025)


(Research project of Jérôme Samuel, director and researcher at IRASEC)


This ongoing long-term project began in the early 2000s. It aims to inventory, describe and analyse Indonesian reverse glass painting over 150 years, through a database which currently includes 2,200 items and will, in time, be accessible online.


SPACE (2021-2025)

Olivier TELLE participates to the SPACE project by directing the work package 1, “Predictive Epidemic Modelling”, with Alex COOK (NUS, Singapore).

The SPACE project is developing a research protocol for infectious disease prediction and prevention in Singapore. The project draws upon analyses of the risk factors and sociospatial patterns that drive dengue and COVID-19 transmission in Singapore, as well as the social and technical skills developed by individuals and community groups in response to disease propagation.


ANR VinoRosa (2020 - 2024)

This research programme is funded by the "Agence nationale de la Recherche" (ANR) in the category "Young Researchers Young Researchers". Begun in January 2020, the investigative work will continue until June 2024.
This research program analyzes the role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by the Chinese Government in 2013, as an engine of urban development for secondary cities in Southeast Asia. It examines how the BRI powerfully drives international urban models, especially in (...)


SustainAsia (2018 - 2023)

International Research Network
IRN - CNRS SustainAsia
Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in Asia:
Governance and societies facing environmental challenges


Gemmes Vietnam (2018 - 2021)

A large-scale project of the French Development Agency (AFD), General Monetary and Multisectoral Macrodynamics for the Ecological Shift (GEMMES) has the overall objective of assessing the macroeconomic impacts of climate change and simulating potential adaptation strategies in various developing countries. Adapted in six countries (Brazil, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Morocco, Tunisia and Vietnam), the project dedicated to Vietnam (Gemmes-VN) focuses on the capacity of coastal zones to adapt to (...)


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