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Roundtable discussion / Debate

Myanmar Crisis: Challenges and Hopes for a Way Forward

21th July 2021, 5 to 7 PM (Bangkok Time), on Zoom
Debate coorganized by Claire Thi-Liên TRAN, director of IRASEC and Chayan VADDHANAPHUTI, director of RCSD, Chiang Mai University, with Aurore CANDIER (IRASEC), May Oo MUTRAW (CMU), Rémi NGUYEN (IRASEC) and Min ZIN (CMU). Opening by Christian LECHERVY, Ambassador of France in Myanmar. A panel discussion led by Carol ISOUX, Journalist.
Télécharger le (...)


Roundtable discussion / Debate

Lancement d’Asie du Sud-Est 2021 à Jakarta

Afin de célébrer la sortie du livre L’Asie du Sud-Est 2021 - Bilan, enjeux et perspectives, l’Institut français d’Indonésie organise un lancement virtuel le 15 juillet 2021. Ce lancement prendra la forme d’une discussion avec cinq auteurs sur une sélection de sujets abordés dans l’ouvrage.
Les principaux thèmes abordés par Christine CABASSET, David DELFOLIE, Éric FRÉCON, François-Xavier BONNET et Sarah ANDRIEU, seront la crise sanitaire liée à la pandémie, les transformations socio-économiques (...)


Roundtable discussion / Debate

Tellurian Drama

Christine CABASSET a participé à la discussion autour du film Tellurian Drama (2020) réalisé par le cinéaste indonésien Riar Rizaldi, dans le cadre du festival international de film documentaire Cinéma du Réel auquel la Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations (BULAC) est associé (12 au 21 mars 2021). Le film prend place dans les montagnes de Java Ouest…
Synopsis : 5 mai 1923. Le gouvernement des Indes orientales néerlandaises célèbre la création d’une nouvelle station de radio à Java (...)


Roundtable discussion / Debate

Growing mobility

Growing mobility:
nations, cultures and regional integration
Saturday, June 8 (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.) – Pansuriya, 100 Bogalay Zay Street, Rangoon - Burma
Saturday, June 15 (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.) – Institut Français de Birmanie (IFB), 340 Pyay Road, Rangoon - Burma
The 2000s and 2010s have witnessed the progressive intensification of mobility and exchanges within Southeast Asia. Scholars and specialists from different disciplines and institutions will participate in two roundtable (...)


Roundtable discussion / Debate

Y-a-t-il un modèle de développement asiatique?

Journées de l'économie (JECO 2018, Lyon) November 6th-8th - 2018
Organized by the Foundation for the University of Lyon, Les Journées de l'Economie (Jéco) brings together economists, business leaders, administrative experts, journalists, social actors and political leaders every year. Thi Anh-Dao TRAN, affiliated researcher based in Ho Chi Minh City, has participated in the session: "Is there a model for Asian development?"
Watch the debate, read the article published on the (...)


Roundtable discussion / Debate

The Chinese investments in Cambodia and in ASEAN


Roundtable discussion / Debate

Debate on stage N°5 : «Power issues and social challenges in Southeast Asia»

Debate on stage N°5 : « Power issues and social challenges in Southeast Asia »
Date : Tuesday 16 June 2015, from 7.30 to 9.30 pm
Venue : Auditorium, Alliance Française de Bangkok
While nearly 52 percent of the Burmese population remains without electricity compared to 69 percent in Cambodia and 45 percent in Laos, the demand for power has skyrocketed in megacities such as Jakarta, Singapore and Bangkok.
To help us comprehend the gap between the ever-growing demand for electricity and the (...)


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