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Conducting field research in social sciences

June 9 and 10, 2021
Văn Lang University,
Campus 3, 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram Street,
Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Meeting Room HOANG SA 2, Floor 6, L-V Building
Methodological seminar organised by Emmanuelle PEYVEL with the support of IRASEC, Van Lang University, the University of Pedagogy, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the Architecture and Research Center (ARC).
Mandatory registration (before 3rd June 2021): (...)



Webinaire sur la Birmanie en crise

« 3 mois après le coup d’État,
la Birmanie est toujours en crise » Dimanche 2 mai 2021, à 14h (18h30 en Birmanie).
Quels sont les enjeux de cette crise et les implications sociales et économiques ?
À l’initiative de la Communauté birmane de France, une conférence est ce dimanche pour tenter de répondre à ces questions, avec Christian LECHERVY, ambassadeur de France en Birmanie, et Guy LUBEIGT, ancien membre de l’IRASEC.
Le lien vers le webinaire : https://ec-nantes.zoom.us/j/8352448700++cs_AMP++nbsp;(...)




1 & 8 April 2021 (Thursday)
16:00 – 18:00 (Singapore time) / 10:00 – 12:00 (Paris time)
We are pleased to inform you of the participation of Adèle ESPOSITO ANDUJAR, Éric FRÉCON and Jimmy STEF to the seminar organised by The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore.
Download the programme / Registration link
Over the last few decades, the changing global context has been conducive for China and Southeast Asian (...)



Macroeconomics of climate change and adaptation (to 2050)

GEMMES VN Project has launched a webinar series dedicated to disseminate its preliminary research results.
Thi Anh-Dao TRAN (Research Associate at IRASEC) and her PhD student presented in the 3rd session held on 17th December 2020 in Hanoi and online for participants.
Chaired by Mrs DANG Thi Thu Hoai (CIEM, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam), this 3rd workshop’s topic of this series was dedicated to “Macroeconomics of climate change and adaptation (to 2050)” with the presentation (...)




Fututre climate scenarios over Vietnam :
preliminary results from Gemmes
GEMMES VN Project is launching a webinar series dedicated to disseminate its preliminary research results. This series would take the form of 5 Workshop from December 2020 and be organized in Hanoi and online for participants.
We will have the 1st webinar/seminar session on 03 December 2020 (Thursday) from 15:30 Vietnam time (GMT+7), with some papers as below :
Building high-resolution future climate scenarios in (...)



The internationalisation of higher education

On Wednesday 15 July, Jimmy STEF will come and give a speech on the internationalisation of higher education in webinar format for the French Lab meeting.
This event is totally free and will be conducted as a webinar. The link will be sent to you one day before by the Chamber of Commerce to your email address.
The internationalization of higher education is a global phenomenon that is today in all government policy agendas and all the strategies of world-class universities around the (...)



The Process of Making Heritage of Ordinary City

In Bangkok, Adèle ESPOSITO ANDUJAR, CNRS researcher at IRASEC, participated in the seminar "The Process of Making Heritage of Ordinary City. Crossing perspectives of heritage approaches to the "ordinary city" in Southeast Asia", which was organized by Chulalongkorn University, the École Nationale Supérieure de Paris-Belleville and IRD, with the IPRAUS laboratory, the PRODIG laboratory, the CNRS, the Archival City project and the UMR AUSser. The objective of this seminar was (...)



Tools for Thinking Connected Southeast Asia #5

1st session of 2018-2019 SOCIAL SCIENCES
Tools for thinking connected Southeast Asia
Monday 12th November 2018/2561, 2-5 pm
PhD programme meeting room, Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology,
4th floor, Faculty of Social Administration building,
Thammasat University, Tha Prachan
"Redefining Thai Tradition: Thai Bhikkhuni (female Buddhist monks) and Women’s Empowerment" by Dr. Kakanang YAVAPRABHAS (Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat (...)



Tools for Thinking Connected Southeast Asia #4

The 4th Social Sciences and Humanities Dialogues:
Connecting through ritual and social media. Technologies of sociality in contemporary Cambodia
May 16th, 2018 at 2 - 5 pm.
Seminar Room of the PhD Program, Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, (the 4th floor of Social Administration Building), Thammasat University (Tha Phrachan), Bangkok
“Social memory of the Khmer Rouge regime: ritual and religious aspects” by Anne Yvonne Guillou (Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia) (...)



Tools for Thinking Connected Southeast Asia #3

The 3rd Social Sciences and Humanities Dialogues: Guardian Spirits of Principalities and Borders of Nation State. Strategic Fields of "Burmisation" of Myanmar
April 23rd, 2018 at 2 - 5 pm.
Seminar Room of the PhD Program, Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, (the 4th floor of Social Administration Building), Thammasat University (Tha Phrachan), Bangkok
co-coordinated by Juthaporn Elizabeth Kateratorn (Thammasat) et Stéphane Rennesson (IRASEC)
Dowload the program
"The (...)


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