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Danielle LABBÉ

Danielle LABBÉ



Danielle’s research is focused on the inter-relations between the production and appropriation of urban space in Vietnam. Her work uses a combination of historical, process-oriented, and social agency perspectives to explore the encounters between state intentions, governing practices, and everyday life during the urbanization process. Through this approach, Danielle’s research shows that, although taking place during the “global era,” the ongoing urban transition in Vietnam remains deeply rooted in local circumstances. Placed in a comparative context, her research on this Southeast Asian country contributes to larger theoretical debates about state-society relations, urban governance, and regulatory informality in the fields of urban planning, human geography, and urban anthropology.
Danielle Labbé speaks Vietnamese and undertakes regular research trips to Hanoi where she is currently engaged in research collaborations with scholars at leading research institutes, including the Institute of Sociology at the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences.

Transitions urbaines en Asie du Sud-Est