Nature and urban projects in Hanoi: What consideration for which green city?
Author : Nguyen, Quoc Dat
Under the direction of : Helga-Jane Scarwell, Quoc Thong Nguyen and Divya Leducq
Lille University
Doctoral thesis defence : 13/12/2021
Texte français
Keywords : Urban planning and development, Vietnam, Urban marketing, Sustainable urban planning, Territorial marketing, Urban ecology, Green spaces, Urbanization, Metropolization.
After a period of spontaneous urbanization (after Doi Moi in 1986 and before the adoption of the Land Law in 1993), the pace of urbanization has accelerated sharply in recent years, particularly since the authorities began to view urbanization favorably, to the point of conceiving of the country’s economic development only through urban growth. The diffuse urbanization linked to the disorderly development of industrial facilities in rural areas has had a strong negative impact on the environment : pollution of waterways, deforestation and waste of good agricultural land. The main development strategy of Hanoi has been defined by the Master Plan 2030-2050 which aims to make Hanoi a "green, cultural and modern" city.
The concept of "green city" places the city in a sustainable development and aims to make the city more attractive in order to attract the FDI necessary to ensure its development and to make Hanoi an international metropolis. Thus, nature is instrumentalized and becomes an advertising and marketing tool that satisfies the desires of national and international donors who prefer to invest in urban projects displaying spaces of sustainability, spaces of nature. Faced with the galloping urbanization of the city and in a context of climate change, serious threats such as urban floods weigh on the nature spaces in Hanoi due to the significant loss of water areas and urban green spaces. In order to correct the reduction of nature space, the application of action strategies is necessary.
This thesis aims to shed light on the logic of articulation between nature and the city in Hanoi. To do this, our study targets the natural potential of Hanoi, demonstrates the importance of nature historically in urban planning and in the metropolization of the city. The place of nature will be considered through the various urban projects and real estate projects that contribute to the metropolization of the city. Finally, the modalities of mobilization of nature by private and public developers, authorities and inhabitants will be highlighted.