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Shigeharu TANABE



Geographical areas of Interest :

Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Southwestern China

Discipline :

  • Ritual and ideological discourse
  • anthropological theories of practice
  • ecological anthropology
  • agrarian change.

Publications :

  • 2002 - Tanabe, Shigeharu and Charles F. Keyes (eds) 2002 (May) Cultural Crisis and Social Memory : Modernity and Identity in Thailand and Laos, London : RoutledgeCurzon.
  • 2002 - ’Wittgenstein and the anthropological imagination’, Ratsatsan (Political Science Journal, Thammasat University), 23(1) : 45-76.(2002.6)
  • 2002 - Introduction’ to Shigeharu Tanabe and Charles F. Keyes (eds) Cultural Crisis and Social Memory : Modernity and Identity in Thailand and Laos, London : RoutledgeCurzon, pp.1-39.(2002.5)
  • 2002 - ’The person in transformation : body, mind and cultural appropriation’, in Shigeharu Tanabe and Charles F. Keyes (eds) Cultural Crisis and Social Memory : Modernity and Identity in Thailand and Laos, London : RoutledgeCurzon, pp.43-67.(2002.5)
  • 2000 - ’Memories displaced by ritual : cognitive processes in the spirit cults of northern Thailand’, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology Vol.24 No.4 pp.707-726
  • 1999 - ’Suffering and negotiation : spirit-mediumship and HIV/Aids, self-help groups in northern Thailand’, Tai Culture (Berlin) 4(1) : 93-115