Urban Mobilities in the 21st Century
Call for paper
The Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS is presently calling for applications for the 2021 FFJ/Michelin Foundation Fellowship, "Urban Mobilities in the 21st Century".
The aim of this Fellowship, is to give the fellow an opportunity to broaden his or her research activities through a long-term stay in Paris, taking advantage of a vast network in social sciences and humanities in France and Europe, as well as a new collaboration with the research and development teams at Michelin, a major French industrial group and a partner of the FFJ since 2010.
The deadline for applications is 15 May 2020. Applications are to be submitted by email to applications_ffj ehess.fr.
The fellowship may last 5 or 10 months, between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2022, depending on the fellow’s availability.
The fellow will be provided with administrative support for his or her arrival in Paris, and access to facilities such as conference rooms and libraries. The FFJ team will host him or her in an office space shared with other visiting researchers and located on the new Campus Condorcet. Europe’s largest campus for social sciences and humanities, this international and interdisciplinary environment offers many opportunities for collaboration and access to scientific events. In particular, the fellow will be able to collaborate with the Géographie-Cités laboratory.