ANRS SEA-ROADS (2024 - 2028)
South East Asia –Regional One Health Approach for Dengue Surveillance
One Health Regional Approach for Integrated and Interconnected Urban Dengue Surveillance in Southeast Asia
(Éric Daudé, chercheur à l’IRASEC)
Rising global temperatures and invading mosquito species in urban environments pose a public health risk for arboviral outbreaks in Europe and must be addressed using an evidence-based rationale. The SEA region has been hit for decades by dengue and provides the theatre within which a deeper understanding of urban mosquito-borne diseases can be gleaned to develop appropriate mitigation strategies in Europe, where arboviruses will inevitably become entrenched. While national surveillance systems have been set up in SEA countries, yet serve to document incidence rather than guide responses or prevention at the national level. And there is no cross-talk at the regional level despite obvious potential. The multidisciplinary team of SEA-ROADS, with the public health authorities’ direct involvement and participation in this scientific project in the four countries address this issue.
The SEA-ROADS project is financed by the ANRS (2024-2028), led by Institut Pasteur Cambodge and Paris, with CNRS-MEAE IRASEC unit in Bangkok, CNRS-Normandy University UMR IDEES unit in France and IRD Cambodge as partners research units. This project brings together an interdisciplinary team of modelling geographers, medical entomologists and arbovirus epidemiologists. The project proposes a data analytic and modeling approach to inform dengue surveillance in major South East Asia cities (Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia).