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Informal and Illegal Movement in the Upper Greater Mekong Subregion

Costs and Benefits of Informal Networks for Goods and People

Informal and Illegal Movement in the Upper Greater Mekong SubregionLynn Thiesmeyer
IRASEC, Bangkok
Série Observatoire
octobre 2010, 148 p.
ISBN : 978-616-90282-8-4
English Language English text

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Scope of the Project

Chapter 1 - The Death of Sustainable Economies and the Birth of “Illegal” Economies

1 - Site 1 : Lashio, Shan State, Myanmar
2 - Site 2 : Kunming and Xishuangbanna Regions, Yunnan Province, China
3 - Site 3 : Northern Laos

Chapter 2 - Informal Trade Areas, Borders, and Modern Economies

1 - Movers, Transporters, and Consumers
2 - Minorities and Border Dwellers in the Border Economy
3 - Objectives : Closing Gaps, Opening Channels
4 - Conceptualising Movement
5 - Networks of Informal Trade
6 – Socio-Economic Incentives for Border Trade
7 - Legal Definitions of Cross-Border Goods : Traded and Legal or Trafficked and Illegal ?
8 - Socio-Economic Changes in the Border Area
9 - Physical Networks
10 - Illegal Goods or Livelihood Resources ?

Chapter 3 - Access to Land and Livelihood Spaces

1 - The Border as Commons
2 - Networks versus National Territories
3 - Discussion of Findings : Specialists versus Practitioners
4 - Indications from the Main Survey



The authors

Dr. Lynn Thiesmeyer is Professor in the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University, Japan. She specializes in social theory and Southeast Asian development. She received her Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1980. She works with governmental, non-governmental, academic and private sector organisations in Thailand, Laos, China, Cambodia, and Myanmar. She has also been a Rapporteur for the United Nations’ Expert Group Meeting of the Division for the Advancement of Women. She has organized and moderated videoconferences for the World Bank, and the United Nations University on sustainable development, globalization, and gender.
Lynn Thiesmeyer’s recent publications include two edited volumes, Discourse and Silencing (2004) and Human Security in East Asia (2009) as well as articles on public health and the Millenium Development Goals, and on landlessness in Southeast Asia.

Dr. C. C. Chao is the Vice-Director of the Sustainable Environment Research Center at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.

Dr. Yoshika Sekine is Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Tokai University, Japan, and Special Research Fellow at the Industrial Research Institute of Keio University, Japan.

Dr. Lee Tsuey-ping is Associate Professor of Political Science, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan. She researches and publishes on environmental justice in pollution-impacted communities.